This is a collection of my own personal recipes as well as recipes found all over the place that I have created 'cleaner' versions of! I may not post every day, especially since I am new to this whole thing, but I plan to post as often as I can!

- I am vegetarian which means that yes, my recipes will be vegetarian as well! However, I want the focus to be more on how healthy and delicious clean eating can truly be, so much so that you meat eaters out there won't even miss it!

-While I love trying new recipes that have really awesome ingredients that can only be found at the most prestigious of health food stores, but the fact of the matter is that I truly cannot afford them most of the time (I AM a college student, after all!) You will  almost  will find 'normal' ingredients (usually from the produce sections) in my recipes aside from a few clean alternatives that I always have stocked. If I ever swap something for a clean alternative, I will include what it is being substituted for. Though being fully clean is ideal, every little step counts, and sometimes you have to make due with what you have! 

-I like to get creative with what I already have in the fridge, which means my recipes can definitely be altered to whatever YOU may have on hand, so I will offer some other recipe alternatives and "onions would taste amazing in this too" suggestions!

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    January 2014

    Hi! My name is Erica, I am clean eating, vegetarian ,Texas redhead, who just followed her costuming career to Los Angeles! Not only do i just love making food (and just about anything!) but I truly enjoy creating healthy recipes that make your body and your wallet happy!


    January 2014

