Can you tell I'm obsessed with squash right now? I wish fall was all year long. I seriously can't get enough.  They are so easy to cook and the possibilities are endless! They can be stuffed, sautéed, backed into cookies, turned into soups! I think i bought every variety of squash at the store today, the check out lady gave me a really odd look, the kind you'd give to a crazy cat lady..but with squash. Anywho, this soup is perfect for a chilly fall night, or to bring to work for lunch, it heats up perfectly and is a good reminder to everyone else that you are a die-hard autumn fan.

What you need:

1 large butternut squash
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large sweet onion, chopped
1 medium apple, any kind! peeled and diced
2 cups vegetable broth (you can add more if you like a thinner soup)
1 clove of garlic
2 tsp chili powder
2 tsp ginger (I like freshly grated..who would have guessed...)
1 tsp of ground nutmeg
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp sea salt

Let's get down to business:
preheat oven to 375 degrees. 

Cut the squash half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds (You can roast and eat those too! see my recipe here)
and place halves, cut side down in a shallow baking dish filled with about a 1/4" of water, be sure to pierce the skin a few times before you pop them in the oven!

Roast for 30 to 50 minutes, until super soft and tender, scoop out the flesh and set aside. ( OR you can scoop the inside right into the soup when the time comes, that's what I did--one less dish to clean!)

Heat up the olive oil in a soup pot. Add the onion and sauté over medium-low heat for about 8-10 minutes until translucent and fragrant

Add the squash, broth, apple, garlic and spices. Bring to a steamy simmer, then put a lid on it and simmer for another 10 minutes until the apples are tender

Spoon everything into your favorite blender/food processor/kitchen contraption and blend until nice and smooth! If you like a thinner soup, now is the time to add more broth

There you have it y'all, a spoonful of fall.